Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too? This site will mainly be used for three things post up my pic's, multimedia and Project Phase. I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back often.Email me at jubeichanman@hotmail.com I plan on creating my own sorta anime series(Project Phase) I am lookig for (two or 1 person/people) to draw and (two or 1 person/people) to help with the ideas on new episodes for my anime. Sorry there is no pay for this series. Info on how to apply won't be sent out just yet I have to come up with the first episode and finish this web-site this is gonna take longer than I thought... DAMMIT! OK my CPU is completely remade and I have to start from scracth. But I already have my first ep down and it should be up by the end of this month. Sorry.
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